Patty Cisneros Prevo on Tenacious: Fifteen Adventures Alongside Disabled Athletes August 24, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Patty Cisneros Prevo talks about her new picture book Tenacious: Fifteen Adventures Alongside Disabled Athletes.
Guest Blogger: Stuart Gibbs August 21, 2023 in Guest Author Blog Posts"I’m proud to be a part of a project that has helped so many young writers, and which will continue to do so for years to come."
Guest Blogger: Alan Barillaro August 7, 2023 in Guest Author Blog Posts"Which medium you choose and what you ultimately choose to say with that medium is what the power of language is all about."
Meg Eden Kuyatt on Good Different June 15, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursAuthor Meg Eden Kuyatt talks about her new novel-in-verse Good Different.
Lynnor Bontigao on Sari-Sari Summers June 1, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Lynnor Bontigao talks about her new picture book Sari-Sari Summers.
Betty C. Tang on Parachute Kids: A Graphic Novel May 26, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Betty C. Tang talks about her new title Parachute Kids: A Graphic Novel.