Over the years, I’ve received numerous letters and emails from readers telling me how much they enjoy reading my work; they have also expressed interest in knowing more about my family. And touring and presenting, the questions I’m most frequently asked include: How can you remember so many details about the past? When did you start writing? What motivates you to write? What is the most important thing readers can learn from reading your work?
Last night’s NYC celebration of the mission and work of Walter Dean Myers, hosted by his son Christopher Myers, was a tribute to creativity and following one’s dreams. It was life abound.
Known children’s book writers Avi, Jason Reynolds, Jacqueline…
Each month we feature free and enjoyable book contests and giveaways!
We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.net.
Win a free copy of One Witch at a …
Week 4: March 2 – 8
Speak Your Story: Select a favorite read aloud book and make a video!
Val Edwards, Educational Outreach & Training Specialist, reads from Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey (Viking Press 1948).
TeachingBooks.net is preparing for World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) by participating in the WRAD “Speak Your Story” Blogging Challenge! The four week blogging challenge is outlined at The Busy Librarian.
World Read Aloud Day is Wednesday, March 4, 2015. Spread…
Week 2: February 16 – 22
You & Someone New: Answer the following questions with someone you haven’t spoken to about reading before.
1. I think everyone in the world should read…
Val: The Tortilla Curtain by T.C.…