Writing books is a very mysterious thing. At least it is for me. I’ve always enjoyed writing, maybe just as much as I’ve enjoyed drawing, but drawings are easier to gauge. When you create a drawing you like, you can look at it and immediately see the reasons why, and you can show it to other people and they can point to things that they like about it, too.
Each month we feature free and enjoyable book contests and giveaways! We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.net.
Share your plans to win 7 copies of Scariest Stories …
Working on strategies to support this year’s literacy goals? Need concrete evidence and a conversation starter for your evaluation?
TeachingBooks.net’s newly revised, self-guided Professional Development module provides opportunities and evidence to support your literacy goals. A fundamental aspect of an…
A customer from Eau Claire, Wisconsin recently asked us to create original multimedia resources with author Deborah Jiang-Stein.
In this original Meet-the-Author Book Reading Deborah talks about how emotionally challenging it was to write her memoir, Prison Baby (Beacon 2014).…
After creating three nonfiction books—Diego Rivera (2011), Separate Is Never Equal (2014), and Funny Bones (2015, all Abrams)—my editor and I both thought a fiction project might be interesting. We brainstormed and a suggestion that bubbled up was to take a well-known story, such as a fairy tale, and give it a twist.
Each month we feature free and enjoyable book contests and giveaways! We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.net.
Enter to win a copy of The Curse of the …