Discussing about race in the classroom can be uncomfortable for some teachers but provides a powerful experience for all [...] Just like teaching about race in the classroom, you have to start at the base and build a foundation.
Each month we feature free and fun book contests and giveaways. We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.
As we worked to complete the project, we always had in our minds the many students we’ve met — students who have moved us and changed us with their strength and vulnerability.
In an effort to support you during this unprecedented time, TeachingBooks wants to perpetuate relevant literacy connections for everyone in your community. We have developed a Book & Reading Engagement Kit: Home Edition that you may freely use. We also have highlighted a variety of virtual learning activities for you, your students, and parents as they support children’s learning at home.
Each month we feature free and fun book contests and giveaways. We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.