Guest Bloggers: Kenny Curtis and Jillian Hughes October 2, 2023 in Guest Author Blog Posts"Some people might not know that we are actually a father/daughter writing team."
Sendy Santamaria on Yenebi’s Drive to School September 28, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Sendy Santamaria talks about her new picture book Yenebi's Drive to School.
Meghan Wilson Duff on Teaching and Writing September 27, 2023 in For Teachers, By TeachersMeghan Wilson Duff talks about the shift from solitary reader to the deeply collaborative process of book creation.
Contests & Giveaways | October 2023 September 22, 2023 in Contests and GiveawaysEach month we feature free and fun book contests and giveaways. We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.
Alaya Dawn Johnson on The Library of Broken Worlds September 22, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, author Alaya Dawn Johnson talks about her new book The Library of Broken Worlds .
Marissa Moss on Talia’s Codebook for Mathletes September 12, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, author and artist Marissa Moss talks about her new book Talia's Codebook for Mathletes.