"One day, my (then) fifth grader went eagerly to a haul of books, but as he flipped through them, I saw his posture slump, and he said dismally, “Why do you always bring home sad books about kids having some really bad struggle?”"
The TeachingBooks Virtual Book Tour is your opportunity to learn from and build personal connections with extraordinary book creators and their brand-new titles. In this post, author Sarah Darer Littman talks about her new book Some Kind of Hate.
"Being creative is being brave. We don’t have to be perfect. If there’s something we love, we can do it because it’s fun. We don’t need to be the BEST to make something or play something or try something."
The TeachingBooks Virtual Book Tour is your opportunity to learn from and build personal connections with extraordinary book creators and their brand-new titles. In this post, award-winning author Lesa Cline-Ransome talks about her new book Of Walden Pond: Henry David Thoreau, Frederic Tudor, and the Pond Between, illustrated by Ashley Bernham-Yazdani.