Author Robie Harris and illustrator Michael Emberley have worked closely together to create nearly a dozen age-appropriate books for children and teens on human development and sexuality, including It’s So Amazing!: A Book about Eggs, Sperm, Birth, Babies, and Families (Candlewick, 1999)and It’s Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health (Candlewick, 1994). For Harris and Emberley, the entire research process is of the utmost importance when it comes to creating accurate informational books. From finding the right resources to portraying information in word and illustration, these two have insights to share about the inquiry process.
Some poems in Angela Johnson’s book The Other Side: Shorter Poems (Scholastic 1998) were written when she was a teen, and others when she was older. It’s inspiring that poems written during Johnson’s teenage years were eventually published and…
Robert Frost performs his poem “Birches” in this audio clip. I enjoyed hearing how this famous poet’s voice actually sounds as well as how Frost chooses to pace his poem. Wouldn’t this be interesting audio to share and discuss with…
As educators seek to merge reading and technology into content areas across the curriculum, the following collection of brief recordings will aid them in their search for quality, fine-arts multimedia materials.
One of the questions I’m often asked by students—sometimes with tremulous voices—is about the dreaded “writer's block." It's as if they're asking about the flu or the boogey man. “Do I ever get it?” “Does it ever get me?”
Integrating books throughout content areas and encouraging collaboration between library media specialists and classroom teachers are central to my work with In this post, I present opportunities for you to partner with art teachers as you invite illustrators to share their passion for art in a classroom setting.