By now I’ve written a number of books and have enough distance from them, to see patterns emerge. Looking back, I’ve realized that so many of the children (or mice or other animals) who populate my work use imagination—as play, as an escape, as a tool.
We occasionally learn of special, free, and enjoyable opportunities for you that we feel support the mission of TeachingBooks. This month, we hope you enjoy learning about the following opportunities (in order of deadline):
DÍA RESOURCES! (Elementary) Libraries, schools, and…
I have been asked quite often how Stella and Sam became TV stars. What was my role in their transformation? How did I participate in this transformation? Am I happy with the results?
Below please find a link to the 2010-11 Annual Report for
I have written and shared this with you because I sincerely believe that each of the educators we partner with is a stakeholder in this educational effort. I…
Every year we ask an illustrator we work with to share their non-book art as a gift to our customers. Yuyi Morales kindly provided the following images and reflections. Please enjoy.
Recently I've been watching and listening to elementary school students as they engage with nonfiction. The range of topics that excite them is extraordinary and their conversations about their reading remind me how powerful a stimulus books can be to exploration and critical thinking.