A customer from the Oakland, California recently asked us to create original multimedia resources with author Alton Carter. In this original Meet-the-Author Book Reading Alton shares what inspired hime to write The Boy Who Carried Bricks and why he wrote this book.
One day I vacuumed a fly—by accident! After realizing what had happened, I wondered what the bug was thinking. Did it know it had been vacuumed? Was it upset? Or was it just buzzing around inside the machine, without a care in the world? This is how the idea for Bug in a Vacuum (Tundra Books, 2015) was born.
The Author Name Pronunciation Guide, created by TeachingBooks.net, features more than 2,000 short audio clips by book creators sharing the true pronunciation and origin of their names. It is a freely accessible resource, ready-to-use to enliven and personalize your lesson…
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Look and Be Grateful (Holiday House 2015) is the most unusual project I’ve ever worked on in my 50 years as a children’s book illustrator/author.
Usually, a book starts with an idea that I’ll turn over and over in my head, sometimes letting it pop-up when it wants to, other times, sitting down and forcing myself to get right to it, jotting down notes, maybe making a quick sketch or two–nothing serious, nothing finished, just doodling with words and images.