Guest Author Blog Posts

Each month, we ask distinguished authors or illustrators to write an original post that reveals insights about their process and craft. Enjoy!

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The TeachingBooks Blog
Melissa Stewart with school-age children in the forest, with leaves scattered around their feet. The children are gathered around Melissa.
Venn diagram with circles showing Expository Nonfiction and Narrative Nonfiction. Expository Nonfiction Explains, describes, or informs. Both have carefully researched, documented information. Narrative Nonfiction tells a story, conveys an experience.
5 Kinds of Nonfiction Shows a spectrum from Commercial Nonfiction to Literary Nonfiction. Individual kinds are: Active, Browseable, Traditional, Expository Literature, and Narrative.
A page spread from Tree Hole Homes features a female barred owl bringing a lizard to her owlets in a large hole. A deer mouse pokes its head out of a small hole in another tree.
A page spread from Tree Hole Homes features a raccoon family. A female racoon and three baby racoons peek out of a hole, while three other baby racoons crawl on the tree.
Melissa Stewart stands halfway into a large hole in a tree trunk in a forest. She is wearing a purple jacket and hat.
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