This post was originally published in Nick Glass’ monthly column for Curriculum Connections, an e-newsletter published by School Library Journal in partnership with Subscribe to this free newsletter here.
In an effort to build awareness about the remarkable books written for children and teens across the globe, the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) has established the Hans Christian Andersen Award. Every two years, one author and one illustrator are selected as recipients of the award, considered by many to be the world’s most prestigious in children’s publishing. Maurice Sendak, for example, is the only illustrator from the United States to ever win this award.
In the spirit of IBBY’s mission to foster global connections to great books and stories, has developed the following digital collection of recordings and websites. This archive introduces fans of children’s and young adult books to the authors and illustrators that have been nominated for the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Award.
We contacted and recorded as many of the 57 nominees from 32 countries as we could, and present below audio recordings of these men and women accurately pronouncing and speaking about their names, as well as their personal websites or Wikipedia entries.
We hope that these materials enable readers to become aware of the passion and the personalities that bring books and children together, worldwide.
If you have specific suggestions for contacting the authors and illustrators whose Name Pronunciation recordings are missing, or know of any missing websites about these Nominees, please email Nick Glass at
Learn more about the following 27 authors and 30 illustrators who are candidates for the 2012 Hans Christian Andersen Awards:
Ak, Sevim (Turkey): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Andruetto, María Teresa (Argentina): Personal Website
Ballester, Arnal (Venezuela): Personal Website
Baniasadi, Mohammad Ali (Iran): Personal Website
Bernasconi, Pablo (Argentina): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Berner, Rotraut Susanne (Germany): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Boulotis, Christos (Greece): Name Pronunciation
Burningham, John (United Kingdom): Wikipedia Entry
Campos de Queirós, Bartolomeu (Brazil): Personal Website
Colfer, Eoin (Ireland): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Dragt, Tonke (Netherlands): Personal Website
Fleischman, Paul (USA): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Galeron, Henri (France): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Graham, Bob (Australia): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Habinger, Renate (Austria): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Hellsing, Lennart (Sweden): Personal Website
Hohler, Franz (Switzerland): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Hong Seong-Chan (Republic of Korea): Name Pronunciation
Hwang Sun-mi (Republic of Korea): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Joos, Louis (Belgium): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Kaaberbøl, Lene (Denmark): Personal Website
Lada, Effie (Greece): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Maar, Paul (Germany): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Mattingley, Christobel (Australia): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Mello, Roger (Brazil): Name Pronunciation
Moeyaert, Bart (Belgium): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Mourlevat, Jean-Claude (France): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Nopola, Sinikka (Finland): Name Pronunciation
Nopola, Tiina (Finland): Name Pronunciation
Oral, Feridun (Turkey): Name Pronunciation
Paegle, Anita (Latvia)
Pardi, Charlotte (Denmark): Name Pronunciation
Pavček, Tone (Slovenia): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Paz, Agustín Fernández (Spain): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Pelz, Monika (Austria): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Peonidou, Elli (Cyprus): Name Pronunciation
Pitzorno, Bianca (Italy): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Pullman, Phillip (United Kingdom): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Raschka, Chris (USA): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Ršumoviċ, Ljubivoje (Serbia): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Schärer, Kathrin (Switzerland): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Sís, Peter (Czech Republic): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Sortland, Bjørn (Norway): Personal Website
Sottler, Alenka (Slovenia): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Spirin, Gennadij (Russia): Name Pronunciation
Talvitie, Virpi (Finland): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Tidholm, Anna-Clara (Sweden): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Torseter, Øyvind (Norway): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
Tullio-Altan, Francesco (Italy): Wikipedia Entry
van Haeringen, Annemarie (Netherlands): Personal Website
Wynne-Jones, Tim (Canada): Name Pronunciation | Personal Website
Zabala, Javier (Spain): Name Pronunciation
Živkoviċ, Dobrosav (Serbia): Name Pronunciation | Wikipedia Entry
About the Hans Christian Andersen Award
“The Hans Christian Andersen Awards are presented every two years by IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) to an author and an illustrator whose complete works have made an important and lasting contribution to children’s literature.” Continuing reading about the award at its official website.
Posted by Nick Glass, Founder & Executive Director of
Dear Friends
Thanks a lot for your useful effort towards HCA Awards and children’s literature. I just want to correct Iranian nominee’s website address. M.A Baniasadi’s new and active site address is:
Best Wishes