Lupe Ruiz-Flores on Piece by Piece: Ernestine’s Gift for President Roosevelt December 20, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Lupe Ruiz-Flores talks about her new informational picture book Piece by Piece: Ernestine's Gift for President Roosevelt .
Movie: The Boys in the Boat December 13, 2023 in Timely TopicsFind out about the new movie, The Boys in the Boat and all the resources that can be found on TeachingBooks!
Guest Blogger: Elaine Kachala December 11, 2023 in Guest Author Blog Posts"All good, right? Not exactly."
David Rickert on Teaching and Writing December 6, 2023 in For Teachers, By TeachersDavid Rickert takes the trial-and-error lessons he learned while writing his first book back to the classroom.
Meghan P. Browne on The Bees of Notre-Dame November 29, 2023 in Virtual Book ToursIn this post, Meghan P. Browne talks about her new picture book The Bees of Notre Dame.
Contests & Giveaways | December 2023 November 22, 2023 in Contests and GiveawaysEach month we feature free and fun book contests and giveaways. We hope you will enjoy the following opportunities as well as the author and book resources available via TeachingBooks.