The Trouble in Me (Farrar 2015) is, in part, an answer to the question “How does one go bad?” It’s something I’ve been asked often since the publication of Hole in My Life (Farrar 2002), which features my drug smuggling and life in prison.
A customer from the Oakland, California recently asked us to create original multimedia resources with author Alton Carter. In this original Meet-the-Author Book Reading Alton shares what inspired hime to write The Boy Who Carried Bricks and why he wrote this book.
I do not consider myself a poet. I do read plenty of poetry but am trained in prose. After all, I started my writing life as a journalist, on the police beat. Very little time was devoted to crafting just the right phrase; mostly I was panicking to make deadline.
My newest book, Son (Houghton, 2012), which creates a quartet from what had been The Giver (Houghton, 1993) trilogy, began as the continuation of Gabe’s story from those books. So many readers, over the years, had written to ask what happened to the baby? Was he okay? Did he grow up and thrive?
As a YA author, I’ve written from the perspective of a guardian angel, a were-opossum, and even a pesky human or two. But the “character” who was hardest to connect with was my own teen self.
Customers in New York recently asked us to create original multimedia resources with author Tim Green. In these original Meet-the-Author Book Readings you’ll hear Tim explaining his personal inspiration for writing some of his books and reading a short excerpt…