Clean Classroom ✓
New Supplies ✓
The start of a new school year is bright with possibilities. Teachingbooks can help keep instruction exciting for you and your readers. Take advantage of this time to fine tune and bring “newness” to your instruction. Keep what is already working and call on us for resources that can generate excitement and move your program forward.
What gives you joy in your lesson? Channel Marie Kondo’s tidying up and decluttering voice. Consider what you can let go of and what can be pulled in.
Here are some of our favorites to get you started:
Extend the richness of read-alouds by using a Meet-the-Author movie, Audio Name Pronunciation, or book trailer to introduce, check for understanding, or guide reflective conversation. Build a read-aloud list and add notes of these resource choices. Customize your own list using this award list to get started.
Create a bulletin board spotlighting a favorite author or illustrator. Generate QR codes for highlighted resources to make this interactive. Consider Katherine Applegate’s Meet-the-Author book reading and guest blog featuring The One and Only Ivan.
Spark interest with The Literary Calendar” and “Today on TeachingBooks”, two additional resources to use when time is available. Share an author book reading for an instant book talk or add to calendar time by linking the day and an author or illustrator’s birthday.
Reach out to our PD team at anytime. Email We are here to support your work.
Have ideas to share? Tag us on Facebook or Twitter @teachingbooks. Thanks!
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