This post was originally published in Nick Glass’ monthly column for Curriculum Connections, an e-newsletter published by School Library Journal in partnership with Subscribe to this free newsletter here.
Authoritative bibliographies of children’s and young adult books, such as those regularly featured in Curriculum Connections, assist busy educators searching for quality fiction and nonfiction titles across disciplines.
In this month’s post, we highlight some useful thematic booklists from a variety of professional sources. Please note that the display of the instructional materials and websites has changed. We’ve added cover images; information on each title can be tapped by rolling over the pictures. We hope you’ll agree that our snazzy new design is reminiscent of library displays, and that it’s easier to find materials that meet your needs.
Let us know if you rely on a particular bibliography (including those developed for your class, school, or district). In return, we will send you a link to all the online materials in our database about the listed titles and authors.
“The Era of Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War”
(Grades 4 to 12, from
“Thick-skinned, Thin-skinned, The Skin I’m In: Books about Bullying, Teasing, Relational Aggression and School Violence”
(Pre-K to Grade 12, from the Cooperative Children’s Book Center)
“Holocaust Books”
(Pre-K to Grade 8, from the Anti-Defamation League)
“Unpacking a Standard: Poetry and the Common Core State Standards”
(Pre-K to Grade 8, from Booklist‘s Quick Tips)
“‘I’ is Not for Indian: Breaking the Stereotypes of Native Americans in Books for Children”
(Pre-K to Grade 12, from LibrarySparks)
“Celebrate Reading in Two Languages”
(Pre-K to Grade 12, from ¡Colorín Colorado!)

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