Chief Joseph Medicine Crow, aka High Bird, is an amazing man. His book, Counting Coup: Becoming a Crow Chief on the Reservation and Beyond, shares the stories of his life traversing two cultures: that of his traditional Crow grandparents, and that of the White society he experienced growing up on the reservation and serving in the US Army.
November is a logical time to meet him, since it is American Indian History Month and since Veteran’s Day falls on November 11th this year. But his story is fascinating all year round.
Although a successful warrior from many perspectives, Joseph Medicine Crow is clearly a human being with a sense of humor. I still chuckle along with him at the part in our video of him when he talks about the rubber tipped arrows.
It was a joy to see Joseph Medicine Crow in the flesh last June at the ALA conference in California when he was recognized for winning a 2008 American Indian Youth Literature Award. Now you can meet him too!
Posted by Carin Bringelson, MLS, Information Manager
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