I recently called Jeanne DuPrau, author of The City of Ember, to create an original book reading. Jeanne began her book reading by sharing her inspiration for this fascinating book in which an entire city exists underground without any knowledge of the world above.
After reading The City of Ember and then hearing Jeanne introduce and read from her book, I was really excited to see the film version. The movie was delightful, but I quickly realized that the characters were not quite as I had imagined them nor was the depiction of the city. There’s no way around this really.
For me, it was interesting to connect to the book by listening to Jeanne DuPrau read from a short portion of it in her online book reading. While I was listening, I could still envision the characters and their underground city in my own way, but they were all the more real and vivid because I had my own connection with the author.
See what you think. Listen to Jeanne DuPrau’s original book reading from The City of Ember by clicking here. And use the purple search box to do an author search for Jeanne DuPrau to find dozens of other resources to accompany her books.
Also, do you know how to pronounce Jeanne’s name? Find out by listening to her Author Name Pronunciation here.
Posted by Danika L. Morphew-Tarbuck, MLS, Web 2.0 Content Producer
hello i love the city of ember and have read most of it although i need to do an essay for tommorow i need to see the book online where though p.s the city of ember is the best book ive ever seen!